Thursday, February 12, 2015

Want Lucid Dreams? Get Some Gray Matter!

Lucid dreams have always been one of the most interesting facets of the brain. When you dream, there is always that chance of striking gold: entering a dream where the Universe is at your palms. This type of dream is one where the dreamer realizes that he/she is dreaming. Although it may sound trivial, it most certainly is not. Dreams that are lucid exercise the imagination of the brain to create realities that seem real, but aren't. You can manipulate the laws of physics to generate a simulation of  your very own macrocosm! By this point, the reader is probably thinking, "Alright, lucid dreams sound awesome, but how does one achieve these types of dreams in their sleep?" Oddly enough, lucid dreams are rare for some, but much more common for others. It turns out that a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience has been done on this topic, and the results concluded that there are certain structures of human brains that have a higher probability of attaining lucidity than others. Brains that had a greater volume of gray matter in the frontopolar cortex, on average, had more success of achieving these dreams than those that did not. So if you want to dream lucidly (more often), either try other methods or inject some gray matter directly into your brain!

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